Enterprise A in drydock

Simple update to my Enterprise model to get it inline with the Enterprise A. For Star Trek fans, after Search for Spock they introduced a new Enterprise and there were a few changes to the miniature to accommodate that. The most obvious one being the registry, but there were also minor details that were adjusted. I made the changes to my model so that they are interchangeable with the original. And the textures being all setup in substance designer makes it quite easy to just change the colors if needed to.

I'm also showcasing my drydock model in these renders. It's based on the drydock miniature used in Star Trek: Motion Picture and Wrath of Khan, but I detailed it to my taste.

Hull details are changed from green to blue.

Hull details are changed from green to blue.

Registry decals updated. These are actually floating geometry, so it's easy to change.

Registry decals updated. These are actually floating geometry, so it's easy to change.

The panels on the ventral side have further details than the original.

The panels on the ventral side have further details than the original.